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K9 Collagen: An Effective, Easy-to-Absorb Supplement for Your Dog’s Joint Issues

K9 Collagen: An Effective, Easy-to-Absorb Supplement for Your Dog’s Joint Issues

Our dogs’ joints, like humans, take a pounding from running after tennis balls, hiking and jogging around with their pals. Joint problems are common in many dogs and can affect them in a variety ways from minor irritation to great pain and discomfort. Joint problems can hinder walking, exercising, or any activity in your pup’s everyday life and is no fun for anyone. And, unfortunately, joint issues can start an early age making it best to prevent your dog’s osteoporosis or joint issues ahead of time. And K9 Collagen does just that and more! Dog Joint, Hip or Bone Pain …  Continue reading →

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The 4 Quadrants of Dog Training: Are You Doing All Four?

The 4 Quadrants of Dog Training: Are You Doing All Four?

There are four ‘quadrants’ when it comes to dog training; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. To summarise quickly… Positive reinforcement is when you add something to the dogs environment that he likes for example if he sits he gets a piece of cheese. This increases the chances of the behaviour happening again. Negative reinforcement is when you remove something the dog doesn’t like from the environment; for example stopping an electric shock when the dog eventually sits down. The dog learns that by sitting he avoids the shock thus increasing the chances of the behaviour happening …  Continue reading →

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Important Trail Etiquette You Should Know When Walking Your Dog

Important Trail Etiquette You Should Know When Walking Your Dog

I love walking with my dogs on the local rail trail in New Hampshire or on the beach in the off-season on Cape Cod. I feel rejuvenated after getting some fresh air and some vigorous exercise and I know the dogs are better for it. They are more content, less destructive and there is an overall calmness. My partner likes to say that dogs need more energy-withdrawals than deposits. Dogs that sit around the house, day after day are making energy deposits. Dogs that are walked regularly or go on hikes are having energy withdrawals. I believe there is dog …  Continue reading →

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A Dozen Ways to Entertain Your Dog on a Rainy Day

A Dozen Ways to Entertain Your Dog on a Rainy Day

While rain can send one dog diving into mud puddles, it can also send others to run for cover! When the skies are not sunny and long periods of rain keep dogs indoors, many will display signs of boredom. Even the overflowing box of toys seems unappealing. What’s a dog parent to do? Here’s 12 Ways to Help Entertain Your Dog on Those Rain-Soaked Days: 1. Singin’ in the Rain Channel your inner Gene Kelly and grab your umbrella, slip on your rain slicker and boots, and enjoy a walk in the rain! (Don’t forget your dog’s raincoat, too!) If …  Continue reading →

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Sleepypod Safety Harness Review

Sleepypod Safety Harness Review

Knowing just how concerned our customers are when it comes to ensuring the safety of their pets on road trips, we paid great attention to Sleepypod’s claims that their pet safety harnesses were the only ones to pass crash testing. Considerable research on our part backed this up. Indeed, while many of the harnesses on the market had been crash tested, they had not  actually passed! After scrutinizing both versions of the Harness – the Clickit Utility and the Clickit Sport, we felt confident in our assertion that, although there were other options out there and some of them certainly …  Continue reading →

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Wire Crate vs. Plastic Kennel: Which One Is Best For Your Pup?

Wire Crate vs. Plastic Kennel: Which One Is Best For Your Pup?

When choosing the right crate for your dog, the style is just as important as the size. Taking a look at the wire crate vs. plastic kennel, hopefully, you will be able to determine the right crate for your dog. Most importantly, whichever crate you choose must be size appropriate for your dog. The dog must be able to not only stand up inside of the crate, but be able to turn around in it as well as to lay down stretched out. Never choose a crate that is too large for your specific dog, as he will rest in …  Continue reading →

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Important Things to Consider Before Getting a Puppy For Christmas

Important Things to Consider Before Getting a Puppy For Christmas

Ever wondered just WHY every year dog experts preach that a dog is for life and not just for Christmas? There’s more to it than you think. I am one of only two certified dog behaviour consultants in Ireland, and I have been working with dogs for almost ten years now, through Creedons Doggie Daycare, and teaching dog behaviour through Creedons College. Every December I shout from the rooftops to people not to purchase a puppy for Christmas, and every January I have to bite my tongue as I am inundated with requests from new dog owners, looking for help …  Continue reading →

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6 Alternatives for Treating Chronic Pain in Dogs

6 Alternatives for Treating Chronic Pain in Dogs

Chronic pain is a common medical issue in dogs. Dogs often experience chronic arthritic pain in the hip, knee, back, and other joints in the body. The first course of treatment in these dogs typically include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as Rimadyl, Deramaxx, or Previcox. These oral medication are commonly prescribed because they are the most effective and provide the quickest relief in many dogs. However, despite their ability to provide pain relief, there are dogs unable to have these medications for various reasons. There are dogs who experience sensitivity to NSAID’s which manifests as loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. Since NSAIDs require the …  Continue reading →

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How to Manage and Treat Your Pet’s Bad Breath

How to Manage and Treat Your Pet’s Bad Breath

Puppy breath is said to be cute, but as dogs get older, their breath can turn into something you’re less than excited about cuddling up with. If your dog wants to give you a full-face smooch, do you recoil from the smell? And cat owners know the feeling, too. Like when your cat yawns up close and personal by your face and the smell of her breath makes you want to faint. Phew! So how do we stop our furry friends from having dragon breath? First, we need to figure out root causes. Why Does My Pet Have Bad Breath? …  Continue reading →

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How to Treat and Prevent Your Dog From Heartworm Disease

How to Treat and Prevent Your Dog From Heartworm Disease

Are you aware of heartworm disease? Could you tell if your dog was showing heartworm disease signs? Do you medicate your dog with a monthly heartworm preventative? All are crucial questions owners must ask themselves to prevent their pets from testing positive for this avoidable infectious disease. So, What Is Heartworm Disease? Heartworm is a blood-borne parasite spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Our pups can become infected by the bite of a single mosquito and a potentially life threatening illness will develop. Heartworm is the common name for Dirofilaria immitis. There are four classes of heartworm disease which …  Continue reading →

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The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly of Pet Adoption & Animal Rescue

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly of Pet Adoption & Animal Rescue

There is an epidemic of homeless dogs in this country! There are an estimated 3.9 million dogs placed in shelters annually because of unwanted behavior problems and medical need. Unfortunately for many of these dogs, the outcome is bleak. However, due in part to the thousands of shelters and rescue organizations working diligently, many of these dog’s lives have a happy ending. But what happens to those dogs who don’t end up as new members of a family? The ones who are seen as unadoptable or returned for the unwanted behavior or medical issues which outlasted their novelty or cuteness quotient?  This …  Continue reading →

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10 Things You Might Not Know About Clicker Training Your Dog

10 Things You Might Not Know About Clicker Training Your Dog

Have you ever tried clicker training with your dog? Clicker training is currently a very popular training method, and there’s good reason for that. If you haven’t tried it yet here are some facts about it, good reasons to do so, and some tips to get started. The Facts The Science Behind It: Clicker training is based on the theory of operant conditioning. This term was coined by B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist and behaviorist. Animals learn that their actions can control their environment. For example, they learn that ringing a bell gets the door to open. It is positive …  Continue reading →

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