Tips & Tricks
Over the years we've received many questions from friends and customers about everything from the best way to anchor a cover to how best to clean up a mess. With this in mind, we decided to post videos from time to time that answer some of these questions and provide instructions on how best to install our new products as they become available.
We hope you find these videos helpful. And if you have any suggestions, please let us know. We appreciate your comments and feedback

Headrest Adjustment
In this video Jim, from 4Knines, shows you how to ensure the best fit for your rear dog seat cover or cargo liner when you install it.

Hammock Strap Trick for your Dog Rear Seat Cover
How to keep the hammock headrest straps off the floor.

How to Clean my 4Knines Cover
You can clean 4Knines covers with a damp cloth or vacuuming for everyday cleaning. When they require a deeper cleaning, we have found the quickest and easiest way to clean them is to hose them off outside.
Then spot clean with a soapy rag as needed and rinse. Allow it to air dry. This will keep your cover clean and looking great. Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to help by emailing us at

Quilting craftsmanship
this video Jim. from 4Knines, shows you how to install your new dog seat cargo liner. 4Knines offers cargo liners for your truck, SUV or other automobile.